For a while now I've had this little voice inside my head telling me that I need to start blogging. About what exactly? I don't know. I guess this is where the fun of it all is.
By now if you're not thinking it I'll just put it out there: who am I?
Answer: I can't really say who I am, given that I change, in one way or another, every second, every day. The person I was yesturday is not the person I am today. If that is not the case, then I have not grown as a person. Not mentally. Not emotionally. Not spiritually.
However, I can say this: I am misplaced. I am separated from the One who created me in His own image. Wow! He actually created me to look like Him! Everything else is a product of a 'let there be': "let there be light," and there was light; "let there be trees," and there were trees. That's what I call power!
But when it came to me, I was too special for a 'let there be'. He actually bent down to the earth and took his time to shape me in His own image and likeness, and gave me the same attributes He has... this is still something I cannot yet fully understand. I've wondered many times why it is that I feel the need to connect with Him and really, it is not until about.... 10 seconds ago that I've really figured it out: He gave me a piece of Himself so that I can be a living being...
I guess that's why I am misplaced. I don't belong here. WE don't belong here. I need to get out of here and go to where I belong, with who I belong. But since that's going to take a little while longer than what is in my control, I figured I'll just let you into my mind, the mind of a sinner.
I am as imperfect a human being as there is, so there is no reason why you SHOULD read what my brain produces; however, that's the whole point, don't you think?
Welcome to the Mind of a Sinner!
Reference used:
Genesis 1&2