Monday, July 27, 2009

2 Tags

Tonight I heard one of the most amazing stories I've ever heard. Actually, I've heard similar stories before, but for some reason, every time one of these come about it always feels as if I've never heard a similar one before.

If there is one thing I cannot understand right now is the love of parents for their children. I mean, let's face it, as children, we were/are not exactly a walk in the park. I know I was one heck of a ride as a lil' dude duding around doing what lil' dudes do.

And some are worst than others.

Anyway, I heard this story tonight on the radio while driving home.

It's the story of Tim, his son Ryan, and Tim's wife.

When little Ryan was born, he had some some issues with his liver. Apparently, his family always knew that it would not be the last time they'd have to face this issue of little Ryan's liver problem.

It happened that several years later, a much older Ryan--about 8 or 9 years old--is battling for his life as his liver issues get more serious. Obviously his parents are feeling the full effect, the full blow of the entire situation... I can only imagine what is going on through Tim's head...

Maybe he thought he would never be able to teach his son how to drive, or give him advice on dating and women, or attend one of his high school baseball games.

Maybe he thought nothing at all.

And what about Ryan's mom, what could she have been thinking? Maybe she closed her eyes to cry and simultaneously remembered carrying an unborn Ryan around for 9 months. Maybe she thought about that connection that only a mother and a child have. Maybe she thought about that happiness that only a woman is privileged to feel after giving life to a new creature. Maybe she felt angry seeing her son's life slowly being taken away after she happily gave life to him several years earlier.

Maybe she thought nothing at all.


Little Ryan's life was at stake, and like any parent, mom offered to give a piece of her liver to save her son's life. In the end, Ryan and Mom became Tim's heroes because the one taught him the meaning of fighting for life, and the other taught him the meaning of sacrifice. Self sacrifice.

As I listened to the story I could not help but to feel moved by it. Then the radio lady said something which is the inspiration for this entry; she said, "Now your wife has given Ryan life twice: first when she brought him into the world, and again by giving a piece of herself to save his life."

You know, my Daddy did the same for me too.

First, he brought me into this world:

"Then God said, 'Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us'...Then the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground. He breathed the breath of life into the man’s nostrils, and the man became a living person. So God created human beings in his own image." Genesis 1:26, 27 & 2:7

At first I was simply an inanimate object. Unconscious. Unaware. Un-alive. I was just a creation. A special creation, though. To make sure I was his, my Creator gave me a piece of himself and I got life. Conscious. Aware. Alive.

Then my life too was hanging on the balance when I got infected by sin. And the originator of sin wanted to claim my life. And the originator of sin claimed my life. And said I was his.

I can only imagine what was going through my Daddy's mind.

Maybe he remembered how carefully he detailed every part of me:

"Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it."
Psalm 139:14

Maybe he remembered that connection that only a Creator feels in the moment he looks into his creation's eyes and sees himself reflected. Maybe he thought about the times we were able to stand in each other's presence, without needing a mediator--yet.

Maybe he thought nothing at all

and simply acted out of pure, genuine love

In any case, in order to reclaim me--although I never stopped being his--he was not willing to give up a piece of himself. Instead, he gave himself up entirely.


"For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son..." John 3:16

So now I'm not only his by creation, I'm also his by redemption.

Let this sink in: we belong to God twice! aka, I have two of the greatest tags in the story of mankind.

Created in the likeness of the Creator & redeemed by the Creator/Redeemer.

Yeah, let that sink for a minute...

Enjoy "I Know My Redeemer Lives"

BTW: I stumbled on this song; it's not the one you think it is

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