Monday, August 24, 2009

Look Closer

Things happen to everyone everyday. Lately, I've been going through some very tough times. Just recently, I found myself upset at God, telling him how unfair whatever I was/am going through is. I even pointed my finger at him while I was saying that too, tears streaming down my face, the veins on my face bulging out.

I even questioned his whereabouts now that I was/am the one who need(ed) him the most. I told my friends, who were with me at that moment, "You hear over and over again in the Bible that God knows everything, God hears our every cries, God this, God that... Where the heck is he now that I need him?"

Watch this skit: "Everything" by Lifehouse. ONce you're done, keep reading below...

That day I found the answer: God was right there, by my side, showing me his love through a little baby.

You see, my friends have a baby boy, Andrew, that I consider my nephew. The entire afternoon he was cranky and whining a lot. Until he got to my house, and saw his Tio (uncle) crying in pain.

If it's safe to say, he forgot about the discomforts he was feeling, and when he saw me--better yet, when God saw me--he reached out to me in the form of Andrew's hands to caress my face, my head, my back. He put a smile on my face, and made me forget about everything I was dealing with.

As a side note: it is great to have Christian friends. The entire time, without knowing, both of them were praying that God showed his love towards me through their baby. And he did!

That's when I realized something: the times I don't see God or think he's not near, it's not because of any other reason than me allowing so many other things--people--get in the way, blocking my clear view of him.

It's not his fault.

It's my fault.

Enjoy "Everything" by Lifehouse

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